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REST GetClient Node

The REST GetClient Node gets a trigger to the Input Port, requests REST API Server, gets respond from the REST API Server, and sends respond to the Output Ports`.

REST GetClient Node
REST GetClient Node

The REST GetClient Node gets an event of any data type to the trigger Input Port to send a request.

The Node has the following General and Input Configuration Parameters:

  • uri (obligatory). Insert the default uri of the REST API Server in the General Configuration Parameters. If REST GetClient Node gets optional uri to the Input Ports the default uri is ignored.
  • header (optional). Empty by default. Gets configurations as a JSON object. Is used to configure authorization, coockie, session etc. If REST GetClient Node gets optional header to the Input Ports the configuration parameters from the default header and optional header are joined.
  • params (optional). Empty by default. Gets params as a JSON object. If REST GetClient Node gets optional params to the Input Ports the configuration parameters from the default params and optional params are joined.
  • code (optional). Missing by default. The additional parameters can be transmitted to the Input Ports by clicking + button and adding data of any type.

The Node has the following Output Ports:

  • body. The Port gets and transmits the respond of the REST API Server. The data type of the Output Port can be string or object depending on the headers["Content-Type"] in the respond of the REST API Server.
  • header (optional). The Port gets and transmits the header as a JSON object. The Port gets and transmits the header of the respond of the REST API Server.
  • status (optional). The Port gets and transmits the status code of the REST API Server respond as an integer number, ex. 200, 201, 400, 500
  • has_error. The Port gets and transmits the boolean value True if there is an error while requesting the REST API Server, or False if the REST API Server gets request without an error.